All files tested with ->
Valid for all downloads: right mouse click, in popup menu select "Target save as ..." and store in desired folder.
Note:The profile files and definition files offered below for download corresponds to my knowledge of the GEDCOM export of the various programs. Because the developers of the programs may change the export without notification, please contact me in case of needed help.
Attention: License keys starting with code "o", "b1" or "b2" (Display by clicking on "Info" in the Start Center, then after "LicKey="), will no longer be accepted by OFB Version 8.1.0 and later.
Version: 8.2.4a
- Installation file (2400 kB): ofb-setup.exe 11.24
includes the OFB, the OFB Service Programs and the GSP Program Package, the language files and the genealogy symbol files, as well as the utility program "GedShow".
- Gedcom Profile files (1-2 kB) for: ... - as ogp-file If you have created profile files for other Genealogy programs, you may send the file to me for storage at this place to be available for other users.
- Naming files (2 kB): - as ond-file
Standard Version with the most common data fields
Full Version with all data fields
These files are just examples and should be adjusted by the Naming screen according the personal needs.
- Files for Print/MS-Word optimization:
Fonts with Genealogic signs
The fonts have to be copied to the folder C:\Windows\Fonts.
Definition file for Colors/Fonts for Print/MS-Word
GSP Program Package & Files
Note: Don't install this package, if the OFB program package is already installed. This is already included!!
Attention: License keys starting with code "g2" (Display by clicking on "Info" in the Start Center, then after "LicKey="), will no longer be accepted by GSP Version 4.1.0 and later.
Version 4.2.4a
- Installation file (1400 kB): gsp-setup.exe 11.24
includes the all Gedcom Service Programs, the language files and support files, as well as the utility program "GedShow".
Following files are also valid for the OFB/GSP bundle.
- Structure Analysis definition for "Gedcom Structure Analysis" (1 kB): - as gasd-file
Standard Version for the normal analysis
Standard_TT.MM.JJJJ Standard extended, if German dates in the form DD.MM.YYYY exist in the ged file
OFB Standard extended by an additional check for OFB output
OFB_TT.MM.JJJJ Standard_TT.MM.JJJJ extended by an additional check for OFB output
Use the file that applies to you.
- Conversion definition for "Gedcom Conversion" (1 kB): - gcsd-file
Examples and base for changes by the user (in German language) are available for following programs:
- Profile files for "Gedcom Listing" and "Gedcom Reduction" (1-2 kB): - as gxpd-file
Examples and base for changes by the user are available for following programs:
As a minimal version without definition of special Gedcom features of the program Neutral can be used.
If you have created profile files for other Genealogy programs, you may send the file to me for storage at this place to be available for other users.
These programs are not included in the OFB resp. GSP packages.
The exe files must be copied to the OFB resp. GedSerPro program folder after the download.
The descriptions must be copied to the corresponding "Data folder" after the download so that they can be called using the "?" buttons of the programs. By pressing the "Info" button of a program the "Data folder" resp. "Storage location of ini-file" is displayed.
- Add2AllIndi - Adding Blocks of Text to all INDI Records + ged file
- Version 1.0.2 - 04.03.2022: Add2AllIndi.exe Description: Add2AllIndi_e.pdf 03.22
- Chars2Utf8 - Conversion to UTF-8 coding
- Version 1.1.4 - 04.03.2022: Chars2Utf8.exe Description: Chars2Utf8_e.pdf 03.22
- ConvLvl2To1 - Convert defined level-2 tags to level-1 tags
- Version 1.0.5 - 04.03.2022: ConvLvl2To1.exe
Description: ConvLvl2To1_e.pdf 03.22
- CorSexHusbWife - Correction of SEX value based on HUSB and WIFE references
- Version 1.0.6 - 04.03.2022: CorSexHusbWife.exe
Description: CorSexHusbWife_e.pdf 03.22
- DelIndiFam - Deletion of INDI + FAM Records according Date
- Version 2.0.1 - 04.03.2022: DelIndiFam.exe
Description: DelIndiFam_e.pdf
- DelLvl2Tags - Delete level-2 Tags from level-1 Tags
- Version 1.0.1 - 04.03.2022: DelLvl2Tags.exe
Description: DelLvl2Tags_e.pdf
GSP/OFB Utilities
These programs are not included in the OFB resp. GSP packages.
The exe files must be copied to the OFB resp. GedcomSerPro program folder after the download.
The descriptions must be copied to the corresponding "Data folder" after the download so that they can be called using the "?" buttons of the programs. By pressing the "Info" button of a program the "Data folder" resp. "Storage location of ini-file" is displayed.
- BatchRun - Sequential processing of Programs & Commands
- Version 2.1.0 - 03.01.2024: BatchRun.exe
Description: BatchRun_e.pdf
- GedTagSearch - Search of Gedcom Tag Combinations
- Version 2.3.2 - 04.04.2022: GedTagSearch.exe
Description: GedTagSearch_e.pdf
- MissTagSearch - Search of missing Gedcom Tags
- Version 2.0.0 - 08.03.2023: MissTagSearch.exe
Description: MissTagSearch_e.pdf
- PersonSearch - Search of Persons
- Version 1.2.1 - 30.01.2022: PersonSearch.exe
Description: PersonSearch_e.pdf 01.22
- SourPerson - Search of Persons with defined Source data
- Version 1.2.0 - 10.02.2022: SourPerson.exe
Description: SourPerson_e.pdf 03.22
The following User Guides for OFB + GSP may be copied by the OFB Start Center resp. the GSP Start Center from the Homepage to the correct data folder.
- OFB User Guides
- OFB Service Programs User Guides
- Gedcom Service Programs User Guides
The following general User Guides may be copied by any of the two Start Centers from the Homepage to the correct data folder.
Presentations & Test reports
For download are available ( all in German language):
- Presentation + Demo in Herrenberg with focus on GSP programs Conversion, Reduction, Listing and Validation - 06.03.2023 (1530 kB): GSP - Gedcom Service Programme
- Presentation + Demo in Herrenberg - 14.09.2017 (1650 kB): GSP - Gedcom Service Programs
- Presentation at the SGFF congress in Rütti Inforama/Bern - 11.10.2014 (1250 kB):
Gedcom as format for long-term archiving of genealogical data?
- OFB Test Reports - published by the magazine "Computergenealogie"
- Gedcom Service Programs Test Reports - published by the magazine "Computergenealogie"
Thanks to the authors and the "Verein für Computergenealogie" to allow the publication at this place.
© 2005-2024, Diedrich Hesmer, Herrenberg (DE) - last update